Take a peek into our work by requesting for a Free Workshop called - The chill pill
This workshop will open your eyes to a whole new dimension of yourself that you might have not known. We shall share videos of our patients who have been healed through Homeopathy in this journey of knowing themselves.
Topics of the workshop:
- Stress types
- Effects on efficacy, production and health
- Identifying Personality types
- Diet tips for different requirements
- Exercise tips
Whether you are a boss, an employee, a teacher at an institute or you run a private business, we can conduct this workshop for your company/colleagues or school.
Each workshop is tailor made and specially designed for different audiences, professionals, students and age groups.
If you are group of 20 – 2000 people, you have conference room and audio video set up.
Organise an event – Book a workshop with the Joshis
Read more about: What is Stress?
Stress is unavoidable. But stress is good. Stress is needed.
It is what motivates and energises us to deal with challenging situations. But as with anything good or bad, stress too should be in moderation. It is one thing tackling a stressful situation occasionally. It is when it becomes a regular occurrence, day-in and day-out, that the body gradually loses its ability to bounce back, as we assume it will.
How do you control your own and your employees’ levels of stress, when every working day is a challenge?
Uncertain and seemingly out of control, a day at work can rob you of your capacity to cope, affecting you not just physically but psychologically.
Stress-related illnesses
High-stress jobs are known to cause depression, anxiety, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal problems, impaired immune response and even cancer.
But all isn’t lost.
Homeopathy the Chill Pill
Symptoms are merely end result of the problem .The cause is a Stressed personality. (A person whose stress hormones are high & as a result it has a cascading effect causing many ailments)
Homoeopathy identifies personality and an individual’s perception of stress. Treating the personality reduces sensitivity to the same stressful situation. Stress begins to work the way it is supposed to – motivating and stimulating a desire to work.
Though stresses remain, you handle them better & emerge a winner!!!
Why choose homeopathy?
Often you hear about stress and various stress relieving techniques.
Yoga, Meditation, Counselling, Positive thinking, Autosuggestion
These need you to actively involve and motivate yourself to change towards positive.
This can be challenging especially when you are already stressed!!!
Do we really continue the positive techniques we learn?
Often people go for positive talks, yoga, meditation, de-toxing diets but then leave it half way.
The motivation needed to continue these for a lifetime is tremendous.
You attend a seminar and are very enthusiastic. But often you don’t follow the techniques due to some hurdles or other commitments like children, sick parents, family issues etc.
The result is that though you know you ought to change, you don’t.
The Homeopathic miracle!
Homeopathy balances the personality and changes your outlook towards life .The change in yourself that you were craving for so long happens on its own .What you could not do with positive suggestion and meditation and yoga, the body and mind does it autonomously and automatically!
After being on homeopathy people often tell us
“I am feeling freer”
“My issues at work do not bother me anymore”
“There is more stress but I have become indifferent and actually handle it better”
“My mother-in-law would bug me but now I can hear it from one ear and take it out from the other”.
“I tried so many years to reduce my anger and my headaches and after your treatment I feel so calm. I don’t feel angry over small things”.
“A kind of peace and stability has set in”
“I used to be so worried and anxious about my image doctor. I am so much more relaxed and actually now that I have relaxed I am getting compliments at work”.
These are only a few testaments of some of our patients.
Pop the magic pill!!
The homeopathic pills work on the physical and emotional level!
If homeopathy can bring about a positive shift in your outlook and improve your potential, why should you settle for anything less?
Homeopathy believes that your mental and emotional state is responsible for your ailments. With Homeopathy you feel calm and peaceful within. Naturally all your complaints like asthma, migraines, psoriasis, eczema, hypertension, angina or cardiac pain and even several autoimmune complaints get better.
You get a complete makeover which is natural, profound and long lasting.
All you need to do is pop the magic pill!!!
The way it works!
Homeopathy works on the hypothalamic pituitary axis. It brings about an automatic internal shift to positive mode and balances the organs and functioning of the entire body.
It is a profound effect which works by setting the body’s own rhythm and balance and not creating an artificial one!
Try it to believe it!!