
Women & pregnancy

Women go through many changes in their life at all fronts. There are a lot of hormonal changes right from the time of puberty to pregnancy & finally during menopause. With time women have evolved and excelled in various roles that were earlier a privilege of men. This means dealing with internal and external stress.

With Homeopathy we have been able to help women physically in their complaints and emotionally to cope with the stresses that they undergo.

Child bearing forms an important aspect in a woman’s life. Children & mother always share a special bond.

We strongly advise pregnant women & women who are planning to conceive to take homoeopathic medications. Homeopathy has the capacity to significantly help women during pregnancy which in turn helps the child who is still in the womb.

We believe that a healthy state of mind & body of the mother and father helps in healthy conception, healthy infant and a healthy child.

Homeopathy plays a vital role in the preconception & pregnant state. When on the right homoeopathic medication the body is in a perfect state of harmony. Homeopathy helps in keeping the immune system healthy to tackle any infection throughout pregnancy.

Hormonal changes affect mood & temperament. This is especially experienced by women during premenstrual syndrome, pregnancy, post-partum and menopause. Women suffering from menstrual complaints like PCOS too have lot of hormonal variations.
We have given remarkable results in many such cases with Homeopathy.

Some of the conditions that we have treated successfully at the clinic

  1. Benign cysts in the breast
  2. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome ( PCOS/ PCOD)
  3. Irregular menses
  4. Postpartum depression
  5. Menopausal syndrome
  6. Depression